Student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.
Inform the registrar that a student should be coded as an undergraduate in the Bachelor's Plus Master's program.
Identify graduate courses taken during the undergraduate program to be double-counted towards the student's graduate degree.
Students may request to participate in a commencement ceremony as an early walker.
Request to initiate the grade exclusion designation of a graduate course.
Advisors should use this form to request permission for their Master's student advisee to take a graduate course for doctoral credit.
Former students express their intent to return.
Graduate students may request to participate in a commencement ceremony as a late walker.
Register as a non-degree or visiting student
Request for changing marital status, gender identity, legal sex, personal email, or chosen or legal name.
Advisors should use this form to request permission for their UG advisee to take a Graduate level course for GR credit.