Undergraduate Permission to Take Course Outside Degree Level

Service Overview

Advisors should use this form to request permission for their UG advisee to take a Graduate level course for GR credit.

Undergraduate students who wish to take graduate courses for graduate credit must consult with Flyer Student Services to determine financial aid implications and cost options. This must be done by the last day to complete registration (i.e., Friday before the first day of class) each semester or the courses will, by default, forever be applied only to the undergraduate degree. That is, if required consultations with Flyer Student Services do not take place before the first day of class, then under no circumstances may graduate courses taken by undergraduates count toward a later graduate degree.

Conversion to graduate credit will be made by Flyer Student Services personnel only after the required consultations have taken place. Under no circumstances may faculty or departmental/dean’s office staff enroll a student in a course for credit outside of their degree level.

The student’s original email request from their UD email account to add a course for credit outside their degree level must be uploaded to this form. Without the student’s request from their UD email account, this request will be denied.

Available To

  • Advisors
Request Service

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