Search90 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request assistance with managing resources scheduled through 25Live.

Request the DUO token you purchased from the UD Bookstore be activated for use in UD’s 2-factor authentication (2FA) system.

Request a UD computing account be temporarily extended.

Alumni / former student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.

Inform UD that you have removed Adobe Font Folio from your computer.

Request a new asset tag for equipment purchased with any UD funds.

Request assistance with AV systems, digital signage, and cable TV

Avaya Workplace allows your mobile device to send and receive calls while displaying your UD office phone number.

Report an error with a Banner Workflow you received via email.

University of Dayton blog accounts are issued to recognized departments, offices and units for communication of University content only.

Request a new Box folder for your department or working group.

Request a new Box group for managing folder permissions.

Business Wisdom through International, Service and Experiential Education (BWISE)

Schedule and provide details for an upcoming furniture and cross-campus move.

Request for capital projects or equipment over $100,000.