2-Factor Authentication (2FA) Token Activation

Service Overview 

Use this form to request that the DUO token you purchased from the UD Bookstore be activated for use in UD’s 2-factor authentication (2FA) system. 

The form will ask you to agree to UD’s Token User Agreement, which confirms that by accepting a University of Dayton DUO 2FA token, you agree to abide by these safeguards:

  • You will keep the token on your person or in a physically secure area as you would with a key or ID card.
  • You will not attach your password to the token.
  • You will not share your University of Dayton username/password and token, or allow anyone to use your logged in session.
  • You agree to protect student, employee, alumni, donor, and all constituent and institutional information and log out of protected systems if the computer is to be unattended.
  • You will contact itservicecenter@udayton.edu or call 937-229-3888 immediately to report loss, theft, or misplacement of your DUO 2FA token.

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Student
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