Non-Degree Application and Registration

Service Overview

Registration for terms begins on the following dates:
  • Fall - August 1
  • Spring - December 3
  • Summer - April 15

Complete this form to register as a non-degree (undergraduate or graduate) or visiting student. Non-degree status allows you to register for courses without admission to a degree-seeking program. Admissions as a non-degree student and successful completion of coursework while in non-degree status does not constitute admission to a degree program. Non-degree status is not eligible for federal financial aid.

This form must be submitted each term you wish to register as a non-degree student; you cannot register for courses on your own. 

The form is only available for the current semester until the dates established above. Early submissions will lead to incorrect registration; do not submit prior to the posted dates.

Review our refund policy if you change your registration after the semester begins.

Available To

  • Students

Learn More

Undergraduate Non-Degree Students

Undergraduate Admission

Graduate Non-Degree Students

Graduate Admission

Refund Policy

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