My Recently Visited Services
Request a substitution/waiver for a required course.
Alumni / former student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.
Submit requests for edits to the University Libraries website
Request creation of / changes to a shared Google mailbox or calendar
Request all new or replacement staff positions (excluding faculty, UDRI contract, or bargaining unit positions).
Application for full-time faculty member applying for a sabbatical, parental leave, or non-FMLA personal/research leave.
Request an American Sign Language interpreter for an event
Request access to post announcements in Porches, UD’s internal portal.
Witness statement of circumstances of a UD employee who has been injured or become ill from a work-related cause
Report that you have accepted a co-op or internship with a new employer
Request advance approval of transfer credit for courses from another college or university
Request data steward(s) to evaluate or approve data sharing through a new service, with a partner, or to obtain additional information.
Supervisor statement of circumstances an employee who has been injured or become ill from a work-related cause
Submit in the event of a work-related injury or illness.
Request pre-approval for education abroad course credits.
Request to initiate the grade exclusion designation of a graduate course.
UD staff employee submit if you are voluntarily separating from the University
Request a new FlyerGPT AI agent.
Use to update early adopter program membership.
Application for family & medical leave, military or staff personal leave of absence requests.
Inform the registrar that a student should be coded as an undergraduate in the Bachelor's Plus Master's program.
Students and scholars request changes to their I-20 (F-1) or DS-2019 (J-1)