My Recently Visited Services
Request purchasing or declining balance card.
Request a review and upload for your affiliated video.
CAS employees must accept this agreement prior to receiving and using UD-issued computing equipment.
Request information or assistance with Procurement and Payable Services
Report that you have accepted a co-op or internship with a new employer
Request a waiver for students printing posters for a class
Alumni / former student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.
Request multifunction printers with printing, scanning, copying, and other features.
D-2 research consists of studies involving information about non-sensitive topics/content collecting using anonymous paper surveys, confidential online surveys, or non-sensitive interviews, using only adult subjects. This application may NOT be used if the research is sponsored with federal funds, if protected populations are used (i.e., individuals who are incarcerated, under the age of 18, or pregnant), or if compensation or deception is involved.
Request pre-approval for education abroad course credits.
SoE advisors review Curricular Practical Training (CPT) requests.
Request assistance or report issues related to Early Adopter Program testing
Request a substitution/waiver for a required course.
Submit requests for edits to the University Libraries website
Request creation of / changes to a shared Google mailbox or calendar
Request all new or replacement staff positions (excluding faculty, UDRI contract, or bargaining unit positions).
Application for full-time faculty member applying for a sabbatical, parental leave, or non-FMLA personal/research leave.
Request an American Sign Language interpreter for an event
Request access to post announcements in Porches, UD’s internal portal.
Witness statement of circumstances of a UD employee who has been injured or become ill from a work-related cause
Request advance approval of transfer credit for courses from another college or university