Account Extension Request

Service Overview 

When a student, employee or contractor separates from the University, their UD computing accounts and associated electronic files (e.g. email, documents) are marked for deletion. 

Student accounts are triggered for deletion after approximately 450 days unenrolled in classes. Employee and contractor accounts are triggered for deletion when a PAF processed through Human Resources indicates employment has been terminated. 

Once an account has been deleted, there is no way to recover data from the account.

Use this form to request a UD computing account be temporarily extended for one of the following reasons: 

  • You are an account holder still actively affiliated with UD, for example a graduate student completing research or a contractor in the process of renewing your contract term.
  • You are the supervisor of a separating employee and require temporary access to the UD computing account for business continuity reasons. Account extensions for separating employees require approval of unit leadership and, depending on the nature of the request, may also require additional approval from Legal Affairs, Human Resources, and/or the Provost.

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

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UD Computing Accounts for Students, Faculty and Staff

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