IMPORTANT - Contact the UDit Call Center at 937-229-3888 at least ten business days in advance to request a contractor or guest account.
Hosts may request a University of Dayton username and password for the duration of your stay on campus or your affiliation as a service provider for the university.
For new access: Complete the Non-Employee Personnel Action Form (PAF).
For modified access: Complete the Non-Employee Personnel Action Form (PAF) Modification.
Guests - self registered:
Campus visitors can self-register for temporary access to UD's wireless network. Visitor accounts are good for 7 days and access can be renewed using the same email address that was registered. If you need an account for more than 4 weeks, please contact the IT Service Center at 937-229-3888 for a sponsored guest account.
NOTE: The self-registration process requires a mobile phone number to fulfill UD's legal obligation of being able to identify users of UD's network.
Guests - sponsored:
Long-term - If hosting a campus visitor who requires long-term network access, request an account that will provide Internet access for the duration of their stay on campus.
Conferences - Conference hosts may request guest accounts for UD conferences.
Sponsored guest access requests should be sent to at least ten business days prior to a guest’s arrival on campus. The e-mail should include the following information: