Service Overview
Faculty or staff employees (the account sponsor) should use this form to request creation of a non-employee account for access to UD systems & resources such as email, WiFi, Banner, buildings/rooms, for a maximum of up to 2 years.
This form will route system and resource access requests to the provisioning office for approval (e.g. Campus One Card, Research Institute (UDRI),UDit).
Non-employees can include consultants, contractors, federal work-study community partner, Marianist, Military Science, UD Global, visiting researcher and visiting scholar.
Completing this form can trigger any / all of the following:
- A request to complete background verification
- A request to complete a non-employee agreement and information sheet
- Creation of a UD computing account
- A request for system access
Please allow for a minimum of two weeks for processing - background checks/missing department approvals may further delay account processing time.
Between July 15th and September 15th each year, processing will take longer due to high-volumes of new account requests.
Available To
Related Services
Non-Employee Personnel Action Form (PAF) Modification