Purchasing Card / Declining Balance Application

Service Overview

Use this application to request a new purchasing or declining balance card. If the pcard will be for a department or organization, reach out to expense@udayton.edu for discussion prior to submitting the application. In order for potential cardholders to be issued a card they must meet the application requirements.

Please allow 30 days after the submission of your application to receive your P-Card. This will ensure that the application process has time to be completed before any purchases must be made on your new P-Card. Because we are unable to accelerate this process, P-Cards requested less than 30 days prior to a purchase may not be available for pick up or activation. Please note that P-Card training must also be attended before your card will be activated.

University of Dayton Types of Pcards

Individual Pcard – a business charge card that is issued to a specific person who is responsible for the card and all transactions made with it. It can be used to make purchases on behalf of the University and for University business travel (except UDRI travel). A set spending limit is associated with each card. An individual pcard cannot be shared. Standard limits: $3,000 per cycle and $1,500 single transaction limit; resets each cycle. Or the Individual Pcard can be a declining balance Pcard. The Pcard holder is responsible for completing the reconciliation within the set due dates each month.

Department Pcard – a business charge card that is issued to a department, but assigned to an individual custodian who is responsible for keeping the card secure and ensuring it's used properly. Departmental P-cards can be shared with authorized users, but the custodian is responsible for making sure policies and procedures are followed and that reconciliation is completed within the set due dates each month. If a department card is needed, please reach out to expense@udayton.edu for further discussion.

Declining Balance Pcard - a business payment card with a set limit that decreases with each purchase made. The card's credit limit is based on the remaining balance in the cardholder's account. They are similar to P-cards, but the spend limits do not reset each cycle. DBC Pcards can be utilized for student groups, but assigned to an individual custodian who is responsible for keeping the card secure and ensuring it's used properly. The custodian is also responsible for completing the reconciliation within the set due dates each month.

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff

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P-Card Application and Activation

University Travel and Entertainment Policy

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Purchasing Card Credit Limit Increase

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