Personal Data Change Request

Service Overview

Use this form to request a change to your marital status, gender identity, legal sex, personal email, or chosen or legal name.

To update your legal name, present the required documentation to Flyer Student Services, either in person or by mail or by uploading a copy to the secure Registrar folder.

Your record must reflect your legal name. However, you are welcome to also provide your chosen name which would then be displayed in all university systems and utilized for any mailings.

To change your legal sex, you must present your birth certificate, driver’s license, federal/state photo ID, passport, or court order to Flyer Student Services, either in person or by uploading a copy to the secure Registrar folder.

The Flyer Student Services department is in St. Mary's Hall, Room 108.

Available To

  • Students

Learn More

Chosen Name Policy

Name Change Request Requirements

Request Change

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