Psychology Research Review and Ethics Committee (RREC) General Application for Both Exempt and Non-Exempt Studies

Service Overview

Use this form if ANY of the following apply:

  • You’re collecting potentially identifying (i.e., NOT anonymous), sensitive information about participants using surveys, questionnaires or interviews,
    • Sensitive information refers to topics and content that could be considered embarrassing or that could have a negative impact on a subject’s employability or reputation.
  • Your research is sponsored by federal funds,
  • Your research involves participants from a prison population, pregnant individuals, or minors under the age of 18,
  • Your research involves compensation or incentives to participate,
  • Your research involves deception

Please Note: If your study involves more than minimal risk or involves participants from vulnerable populations (i.e., individuals who are under 18, incarcerated, or pregnant), your study may not qualify for expedited, non-exempt review. However, we ask that you still complete this form. The Psychology Research Review and Ethics Committee will review your application and then send it to the University Institutional Review Board if applicable.

ATTENTION: Before starting this application, please have all of your research documents ready for upload. Start here: RREC Instructions.

This online portal is used to gather basic information about your study that should require no more than several minutes of your time. Once you begin the submission process you will not be able to save it for future viewing or editing so complete any relevant proposal documents prior to clicking "Start Submission." These additional proposal documents will be uploaded at the end of the online portal form. Additional proposal documents typically include:

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Student

Learn More:

University of Dayton Institutional Review Board

Health and Human Services (HHS) Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, Subpart A of 45 CFR Part 46

American Psychological Association (APA) Responsible Conduct of Research

Related Services

Psychology Research Review and Ethics Committee (RREC) D-2 Fast-Track Survey/Interview Application

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