As an employee, enrolled student, or Marianist, you are assigned a unique UD username and password giving you access to a number of campus technologies and services.
UD students, faculty and staff are assigned a UD username and password, giving you access to many campus systems and services. Watch the video below to learn more.
UDit's Guide To: UD Computing Accounts

Common UD Systems and Services
What happens to my account when I leave UD?
- Employee accounts are deleted after your final pay; student accounts remain active for 450 days after graduation. Emeritus faculty should contact the Provost Office directly for information regarding their accounts.
- Maintain a personal email account (Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) for non-work-related communications. Students should use a personal email account for resumes and formal contact information.
- Once your account has been deleted, you won’t be able to access UD Gmail, Porches, or files you’ve created/saved in UD cloud storage (e.g., Google Drive, Box).
- Employee files stored in a Box "personal" workspace folder outlive their UD computing account for a period of time so supervisors can reassign access to important job-related files. Move and save important content to an appropriate departmental shared folder prior to your departure. Files placed in a departmental shared folder will remain as long as the shared folder has not been deleted.
- Files stored in a Google Drive are eventually deleted with the departing student / employee’s Google Workspace account. Move and save important files stored in your Google Drive to an appropriate Shared drive prior to your departure. Files placed in a Shared drive will remain as long as the Shared drive has not been deleted.
- Consider exporting / make copies of important Google Contacts. Contacts are eventually deleted with the departing student / employee’s Google Workspace account.
- Transfer ownership of your Zoom meetings and/or webinars to another person in the office or on your team so they can continue to use these meetings and webinars without any URL changes.
Additional Resources
Google Drive: Moving Files from My Drive to Shared Drives
Box: Moving and Copying Files & Folders
Google Contacts: Export, back up, or restore contacts
Transferring Ownership of Zoom Meetings and Webinars
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