Off-Cycle Pay Request

Service Overview

You may be eligible for an off-cycle paycheck if you meet all of the following criteria:

  1. You’ve experienced a job change, transfer, new or rehire action request, or pay rate adjustment and the related forms did not meet the HR processing deadlines; OR your timesheet or leave report was not submitted and approved by the Payroll processing deadline.
  2. The missing compensation is for your regular salary or hourly wages. 
  3. Your regular salary or wage retroactive payment is at least:
    • $50 for all student employees and other employees working 50% time or less; or
    • $200 for all other employees working more than 50% time
  4. The missing paycheck has caused you temporary financial hardship.
  5. The request was submitted within 2 business days of the missed pay date.

Requested Off-Cycle checks are available on the next scheduled Off-Cycle date as outlined in Section F of the Off-Cycle Pay Guidelines and Procedures.

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Student

Learn More

Off-Cycle Pay Guidelines and Procedures

Payroll Calendars

Request Service

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