All University of Dayton Zoom account settings have been preset to a variety of recommended options to ensure a smooth video conferencing experience. For additional information on Zoom account Settings click here.
Click on Sign in and login with your UD username and password (including 2-factor authentication)
Click on the Meetings link.
Click on the Schedule a Meeting link.
Complete the appropriate meeting settings (topic, description, duration, etc.).
Choose a Meeting ID.
Note: A Personal Meeting ID can be created through the Profile settings. An “easy to remember” example would be your office phone number. Otherwise you can select an auto-generated Meeting ID number. Procedures for creating a Personal Meeting ID
Click Save.
Click on the Copy the invitation link then click on Copy Meeting Invitation.
Compose a new email and paste the contents of the meeting invitation into the body of the message. Make any necessary edits.
Address the message to the appropriate individuals. Type out a subject line and send the message.