Proficiency Earned Merit (EM) Credit

Service Overview

Students can be awarded Earned Merit (EM) credit by successfully testing out of a required course in their curriculum, provided that the relevant academic department confirms the student demonstrates proficiency in the required course content. Once the test is administered, that department or the student's advisor MUST complete this form and attach documentation detailing the student's experience with the required course content and proof the test was administered to meet ABET documentation requirements and submit it to the department chair and dean’s office for approval.

Upon approval, a representative from the dean’s office will create a new section of the required course for the next available semester with one opening. (e.g., MEE 214-E1). The dean’s office will register the student for the course, and the associate dean will be assigned as the instructor of record and enter the grade of EM once grading opens for that term. The student will not need to attend the course, and a fee of $35 per credit hour of the EM credit will be added to the student's tuition charges for that semester. EM credits do not count as part of the student’s full-time tuition.

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff
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