Locations of Campus Printers for Student Printing (FlyerPrint)

UD has many Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) across campus that provide print, copy and scanning capabilities for students, faculty, staff and visitors. These devices allow you to:

  • Send print jobs to campus MFDs from your computer or mobile device
  • Securely release a print job directly from your selected printer to keep prints confidential
  • Reduce printed waste from abandoned documents
  • Flexibly select the printer from which to print a document

Several campus MFDs offer pay-for-print service for UD students and campus visitors. We call this pay-for-print service "FlyerPrint." 

Visit Getting Started with Campus Printing at UD for instructions on configuring your device(s) to print to these campus printers. 

Once you've configured your device, send your print job to FlyerPrint_greyscale (for black / white prints) or FlyerPrint_color (for color prints) and release it from any of the printers listed below. 

Locations of FlyerPrint Multi-Function Devices (Printers)


Founders Hall (lobby) G16888
Marianist Hall (lobby) G16893
Marycrest Hall (lobby) G16891
Stuart Hall (lobby) G16878
VWK (lobby) G16879


Anderson (109) G16343
Fitz Hall (6th floor outside room 690) G17143

Fitz Hall (study 238)

NOTE: This printer requires you use web release; prints can not be released at the device

Keller Hall (Zimmerman Law Library 212E) G16334
Keller Hall (Zimmerman Law Library 321C) G16338
Kennedy Union (lobby) G16829
Kettering Labs (second floor) G16284
Roesch Library (first floor) G16250, G10710
Science Center (lobby) G17751


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