IT Offboarding at UD | IT GUIDE

If you're leaving or retiring from the University of Dayton, it's important to follow IT offboarding procedures for business and personal data. This article covers the following:

What happens to my account when I leave UD?

Box Offboarding

Moving UD data from a Box personal workspace folder to a Box shared folder

Moving files from a Box personal workspace folder to a personal storage device

Google Offboarding

Moving UD data from My Drive to a Shared Drive

Moving My Drive files from a UD Google account to a personal Google account

Forwarding emails to UD colleagues and to your personal Gmail account

Local File Offboarding

Copying files from a local hard drive to personal storage device

What happens to my account when I leave UD?

  • Employee accounts are deleted after your final pay; student accounts remain active for approximately 450 days after graduation. Emeritus faculty should contact the Provost Office directly for information regarding their accounts.
  • Access to UD Gmail, Porches, or files you’ve created/saved in UD cloud storage (e.g., Google Drive, Box) are no longer available after your account has been deleted.
  • Google Contacts are eventually deleted with the departing student / employee’s Google Workspace account. Consider exporting / make copies of important Google Contacts.
  • UD Zoom meetings and webinars are no longer available once your account has been deleted. Transfer ownership of your Zoom meetings and/or webinars to another person in the office or team member so they can continue to use these meetings and webinars without URL changes.

Box Offboarding

Employee files stored in a Box "personal" workspace folder outlive their UD computing account for a period of time so supervisors can reassign access to important job-related files. Move and save important content to an appropriate departmental shared folder prior to your departure. Files placed in a departmental shared folder will remain as long as the shared folder has not been deleted.

Moving UD data from a Box personal workspace folder to a Box shared folder

  1. Open your Box account.
  2. Open your personal workspace folder (e.g. rflyer1 workspace).
  3. Right-click on a file or folder and click Move or Copy.
  4. Click on the All Files link.
  5. Choose an an appropriate departmental shared folder or click on the folder name to access a subfolder.
  6. Click the selection circle to the right of the folder name.
  7. Click Move. Box moves the file or folder to the selected destination folder.
  8. Repeat these steps for additional files and folders.

Moving files from a Box personal workspace folder to a personal storage device

  1. Connect an external storage device to your UD computer.
  2. Open your Box account.
  3. Open your personal workspace folder (e.g. rflyer1 workspace).
  4. Right click on a file or folder and choose Download.  Or hover on a file or folder, click on the three dots (...) and choose Download.

    NOTE: A zip file is created for downloaded folders and subfolders.
  5. Choose the external device as the “save to” location.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat these steps for additional files and folders.

Google Offboarding

Files stored in a Google My Drive are eventually deleted with the departing student / employee’s Google Workspace account. Move and save important files stored in your Google My Drive to an appropriate Shared drive prior to your departure. Files placed in a Shared drive will remain as long as the Shared drive has not been deleted.

Moving UD data from My Drive to a Shared Drive

  1. Access your Google My Drive and select the file or folder you want to move.
  2. Click the Move icon.
  3. Click the All locations link and then click Shared drives.
  4. Click on the on View shared drives icon.
  5. Navigate to the shared drive and folder where you want to move the file or folder.
  6. Click Move.  A confirmation dialog window appears.
  7. Click Move to confirm the move of your file or folder.

Moving My Drive files from a UD Google account to a personal Google account

  1. Share the appropriate UD My Drive file(s) with your personal Google Drive account.
  2. Open your personal Google Drive account.
  3. Click on the Shared with me link (on the left sidebar).
  4. Locate the files that were shared with you from your UD account.
  5. Select the file(s) and right click on one of the selected files.
  6. Choose Make a copy. Google makes a copy of the shared file(s) and places them in the root directory of your personal Google My Drive.  Each copied file will have the prefix "Copy" in the file name.

    NOTE: This process does not work for folders. Google does not allow you to make a copy of a shared folder. Folders must be recreated in your personal Google account.

Forwarding emails to UD colleagues and to your personal Gmail account

OPTION 1: Forwarding individual email

  1. Open an email.
  2. Click the vertical three dots to the left of the email.
  3. Click Forward.
  4. If the email contains multiple threads, click the vertical three dots at the top of the email and choose Forward all.
  5. Select an address and click Send.

OPTION 2: Forwarding multiple emails as attachments

Google forwards multiple emails as "attachments". The emails are essentially attached files that you can read on a screen (an .eml file format) but they are not in a format where you can edit the text, etc.

Read the following Gmail Help document: Send emails as attachments

Local File Offboarding

Files stored on the local hard drive of a UD computer are deleted when the departing employee turns in their UD device.  Move and save important files stored on the local hard drive to a personal storage device.

Copying files from a local hard drive to personal storage device

  1. Connect the external personal storage device to the UD-owned computer.
  2. Copy your personal files from the UD-owned computer's hard drive to your personal storage device using the Windows File Explorer. Mac users can use the Finder resource.


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