The Engineering Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) provides students and faculty with remote access to specialized engineering software you may not have installed on your own computer. When you're connected to the Engineering VDI, your computer screen will look and function as if you were at a classroom or lab computer.
This article includes the following topics:
Accessing the Engineering VDI
Disconnecting from the Engineering VDI
Engineering VDI Software
Files you create while connected to the Engineering VDI will be deleted when you exit the Engineering VDI. Before closing your Engineering VDI session, save any needed files to cloud storage or a removable USB drive.
Accessing the Engineering VDI
- Install the VMware Horizon Client on your personal computer or UD-owned computer.
NOTE: Ensure that VMware Horizon Client version 2412 is installed. This version is required for the Engineering VDI to function properly. If a different version is installed, you may encounter a black screen instead of the Windows desktop after connecting.
- Open the VMware Horizon Client.
- Double click on the connection server link.

- Type in your university username and password (porches credentials) and click Login.

- When prompted, complete 2FA Authentication by entering one of the following options in the “Next Code” field and clicking Login:

- Type push1 to send an approval notification to the DUO app on your smartphone
- Type phone1 to send a verification phone call to your primary device.
- Type the 6-digit code from a DUO token or the DUO app on your smartphone into the “Next Code” field.
- Double click the Engineering image. NOTE: Your instructor may direct you to connect to a different VDI image, depending on the specific needs of your class.

- Your computer will now display the Engineering VDI desktop. You can access software and web browsers as if you were at an engineering lab computer.

Disconnecting from the Engineering VDI
- Click the Options drop down (horizontal three dots) on the Engineering VDI toolbar.
- Select Disconnect and click OK to confirm.
- Click the Disconnect from this server icon and click OK to confirm.
Engineering VDI Software
The following software is included on the Engineering VDI image:
Standard Applications
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Box Drive
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Mozilla Firefox
Engineering Applications
- Abaqus CAE
- Altair ESAComp
- Altair HyperMesh
- Altair Optistruct
- Ansys Electronics
- Automation Studio
- AWR Design Environment
- Cradle CFD
- Ensoft LPILE
- Ensoft SHAFT
- Gaussian & Gaussview
- Matlab
- Minitab
- Solidworks