The UDit Project Request form is used to initiate the planning process for campus IT projects. Requests are routed for review to the appointed designee(s) in the requesting department. When this initial review is complete, the Project Intake Request Team coordinates with the requester about next steps.
Approving / Rejecting an IT Project Request
When an IT Project Request is submitted, the appointed designee(s) in the requesting department receive an email (similar to below) asking them to approve or deny the request.

Click the UDit Project Request Approval link in the email you receive to open the request in TeamDynamix as shown below.

On this page, you can:
- Review details of the request.
- Click the link under the field marked “Service Request” next to the ticket number (shown above as “Sample Project Request Accept”).
- Return to the approval form by clicking the [DEPT] Project Request Approval link under the heading “Current Workflow Step”
- Use the red buttons to the right to Approve or Reject the request.
NOTE: Comments you enter will NOT be visible to the requester or other approvers; only IT technicians in TeamDynamix can see comments.
- Click Save.
If you Reject a request, the requester is notified that their request has been denied and canceled.
If you Approve a request, the requester is notified that their request has been forwarded to the IT Project Intake Team for further action.
In either case (Approve or Reject), a notification is sent to all appointed designees within the department to inform them that action has been taken on the request.