If your UD-owned computer is away from campus, it may not be receiving the monthly automatic updates pushed out the fourth week of each month. To make sure you’re receiving these important patches that help keep your computer secure and protected, manually prompt your computer to update with the steps below (Mac and Windows).
If you’re using a personal computer at home, make sure it's running the most current versions of the operating system, anti-virus, and other software. If you haven’t already, enable automatic updates: Windows | Mac
Manually Updating a UD-Owned Windows Computer
- Choose a convenient time to scan for updates. It's possible you're be prompted to reboot or your computer's performance may be slowed as updates install, so you'll want to pick a time when this won't inconvenience your work.
- Type security scan in the Windows search bar then click on the Security Scan app link.
The security scan window disappears once the scan is complete.
NOTE: If prompted, reboot your computer. Report any issues to the UDit ServiceCenter.
Manually Updating a UD-Owned Mac Computer
There are two options for initiating a scan for Mac updates:
Option 1: Scanning for updates with the Ivanti Agent Icon
- If the Ivanti agent icon is visible within the taskbar (near the clock), click on it and select Vulnerability Scan.
- No additional window appears while the process is running. Click on the Ivanti agent icon again. A greyed out Vulnerabilty Scan (Running) option appears.
Option 2: Scan for updates with the LANDESK Agent
- Make sure that you are in Finder by clicking on your desktop background. You should see the Finder in the taskbar next to the Apple icon.
- Click on Go and select Go to Folder….
- Delete everything in the Go to Folder input box. Then type or copy and paste the following into the empty input box: /Library/Application Support/LANDesk/bin
NOTE: The path is case sensitive.
- Click Go.
- Double click on LANDESK Agent to open the agent window.
- At the bottom of the window you will see the Patch Management section. Click on Check Now.
- No additional window appears while the process is running. A greyed out Running button appears.