Password Self-Service

This article provides information about UD's password requirements, setting challenge questions and steps to take when changing your UD password (including updating your password for systems / service it won't automatically sync to).

NOTE: Contact the IT Service Center at (937) 229-3888 or email for all password problems or questions not addressed in this article.

This article covers:

UD username format

UD password requirements

Forgotten password

Changing your UD password

Setting up challenge questions

Updating Eduroam wireless connection settings

Updating your local desktop login settings - Windows or Mac OS

Updating applications on mobile devices

Systems unaffected by changing your UD password

UD username format

Employee usernames are typically your first initial, followed by the first 9 characters of your last name and a number. For students, it’s the first 9 characters of the last name, followed by the first initial and a number.

Rudy Flyer the Employee Rudy Flyer the Student
 rflyer1 flyerr1

UD password requirements

These requirements are also displayed on the Create Password - Change your current password page and the My Account - Password Policy page of the Password Self-Service tool:

  • Must be at least 8 characters long.
  • Must be no more than 32 characters long.
  • Must include at least 1 number.
  • Must not repeat any character sequentially more than 2 times.
  • Must have at least 1 lowercase letter.
  • Must have at least 1 uppercase letter.
  • Must not include any of the following values:  password  dayton  a!!Foia1w  ohio  hell  ud  osu  test  MerleHaggard1troubadour  rudy  heaven  flyer  jesus  w0rd bl4ck_coFF33  Lk,500mnkys ! admin  Keep-1tS@fe  secret  root  christ  holy  cross  mary  !nmtcsF3  r00t  god
  • Must not include any of the following characters:  " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` | { ~ }
  • Must not include your name or user name.

Forgotten password

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Forgotten Password link.
  3. Follow the instructions.
NOTE: Contact the IT Service Center at (937) 229-3888 or email for all password or username problems or questions.


Changing your UD password

If you are on a wireless connection, remain in the same location while using the Password tool. Otherwise, your connection might change to another access point, disrupting the process.

  1. Log out of Porches in other browser windows or tabs.
  2. Log in to Password Self-Service tool at
  3. Click on the Create Password - Change your current password link.
  4. Enter and confirm a new password that meets the displayed requirements.
  5. Click Change Password.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Log in to Porches at This will ensure your access to Banner services (e.g. grades, time entry) has been properly updated.
  8. Reboot your computer. This will cause some synchronized passwords to prompt you for your new password and let you verify that you can access everything properly.
  9. See the sections below for information about updating campus wireless, local workstations and mobile device passwords.

Your new password is automatically updated for these campus resources:

  • Active Directory
  • Box
  • Cisco NAC Network Access
  • Digital Measures
  • Flyer Express
  • iPrint
  • Isidore
  • Parking
  • Porches
  • Print Release / Papercut
  • VPN client
  • ZENworks server

Setting up challenge questions

Challenge questions let you reset your UD password if you forget it or it expires. It is not mandatory to set up challenge questions. However, without challenge questions, you must contact the IT Service Center for any password issues. If you forget your password or if it expires, go to and click on the Forgotten Password link. Correctly answer 3 of the 6 challenge questions. Then create a new password.

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your UD username and password.
  3. Click the Setup Security Questions link.
  4. Choose a question from each of the six drop down boxes and supply your answers. Supply answers that will be easy for you to recall. Please do not record your answers outside of the password tool.
  5. Save your responses.
  6. Click the Sign out icon (located in the upper right) when you are finished.
NOTE: As a security measure, your responses to challenge questions are not viewable after saving your responses. If at any time after setting up your challenge questions you do not recall one or all the responses, repeat the challenge question set-up process for all 6 questions. If desired, you may select the same 6 questions to answer. Be sure to supply easy-to-recall answers.

Updating Eduroam wireless connection settings

Your password will NOT automatically update your Eduroam wireless connection. If your device does not prompt you for your new password, visit and use the “Join Now” button. Re-joining updates your mobile device to use your new password.

More about Eduroam WiFi

Updating your local desktop login settings - Windows or Mac OS


Reference Microsoft's online directions to change or reset your Windows password.


  1. From the Apple Menu, select System Preferences.
  2. Select Accounts or Users & Groups.
  3. Select the appropriate user (you may need to click the lock icon before making changes).
  4. Select the Password tab.
  5. Click Change Password.
  6. Enter you new and old passwords in the fields where indicated.
  7. Click Change Password (you may see a notification that the key chain password will also be changed – click OK).

Updating applications on mobile devices

Your password will NOT automatically update applications on your mobile device which require your UD password. If your mobile device automatically downloads mail or connects to other campus resources, you may be prompted to enter your new password for these services. If not, return to your device’s Account Settings to supply your new password.

Systems unaffected by changing your UD password

You may have access to some web resources that do not use your UD password.  Changing your UD password will not affect your login for the following:

  • Ad-Astra room scheduling
  • AirWatch
  • BitLocker (full-disk encryption)
  • Datatel (i.e. Colleague, IFAS)
  • EMS event scheduling
  • Library IT applications (e.g. Archivist Toolkit, Content DM)
  • TouchNet
  • UDRI resources
  • WebDAM
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