Security Controls for UD Devices

In today’s tech-driven world, the need for robust cybersecurity practices has become more critical than ever. UD follows the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls framework as part of our commitment to creating a secure campus computing environment.

The CIS Security Controls framework is a set of best practices that help safeguard information systems and data from potential threats, providing baseline configurations and controls for our IT systems and products. In short, it's a great tool as we work to keep our campus systems secure.

In the coming months, we'll be making adjustments to servers and desktops. Some changes might be noticeable, while others work silently in the background.

As we adopt these CIS Critical Security Controls, you can expect additional changes, including modifications to local admin access privileges, annual security awareness training, and other measures aimed at strengthening our security framework.  Everyone at UD plays a vital role in protecting our digital environment and the data we collect, process, and store.

Learn more about the CIS Critical Security Controls framework at:

CIS Critical Security Controls Implementation Groups

CIS Critical Security Controls Navigator

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