Alumni / former student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.

Student Information

Address Information

Type of change (select all that apply)
Local address:
The local address pertains to your residence during your enrollment at the University of Dayton, provided it differs from your permanent address and is not affiliated with on-campus or university-owned housing. The local address is where
any postal mail will be sent to you.

Permanent address:
International or exchange students: The permanent address refers to your address in your home country outside of the United States.
Domestic Undergraduate or other dependent students: The permanent address refers to your parent/guardian’s address.
Domestic Graduate, Law or independent students: The permanent address refers to your current place of residence.

Billing Address
The billing address is where you prefer to receive your bill if it differs from both your permanent and local addresses.
Type of change (select all that apply)
Local Address Information
Permanent Address Information
Billing Address Information

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code