Foxit PDF Editor at UD


Foxit PDF Editor is a PDF creation and editor tool that is similar to Adobe Acrobat Pro. View instructional videos, sign up for training webinars and access Foxit quick guides, user manuals and knowledge base.


Foxit PDF Editor is a PDF creation and editor tool that allows you to:

  • Edit and create PDF documents, forms and portfolios
  • Merge PDF documents and reorder pages
  • Share, collaborate and annotate PDF documents
  • Share PDF information with other file formats
  • Scan documents to PDF, OCR PDF
  • Edit scanned PDFs
  • Encrypt and redact PDFs
IMPORTANT NOTE: Foxit contains an "eSign" component that is not licensed by the University of Dayton and is UNAVAILABLE for electronic signatures. Use either Box Sign or Adobe Sign for e-signature functionality.
Since most workflows on campus do not use a true eSign, (they just require you to insert a digital signature - i.e. a scan or image of your signature), you could use Foxit's "Fill & Sign" component that is included with our subscription. To learn how to use "Fill & Sign" click the Using Fill & Sign link.


Activation Instructions

Using Fill & Sign


Additional Resource


UD employees can access Foxit PDF Editor in two ways: 

Activation Instructions

If you've contacted the IT Service Center to obtain an individual copy of Foxit PDF Editor for your computer, follow the steps below to initiate the program for the first time. 

  1. Double-click the Foxit PDF shortcut on your desktop or select it from the Windows Start menu.

    Mac users: Click the Finder icon to display the Finder window. Click Applications and then double-click the FoxIt PDF Editor application.
  2. When Foxit PDF opens, a login window for activating the software appears. Click SSO Login.

  3. Enter your UD email address as the username and your UD password (i.e., the same password you use for UD Gmail, Porches, etc.) then click Sign In.

If you receive the following error make sure you have completed the Access step at the top of this article.


Using Fill & Sign

Fill & Sign is not a true "eSign" option like Adobe Sign, but it can be used to insert a digital signature (i.e. a scan or image of your signature) into a workflow requiring a digital signature.

  1. Open the PDF file (requiring a digital signature) in Foxit.
  2. Go to the Foxit ribbon and click Protect.
  3. Click Fill & Sign.
  4. If you don't have a digital signature, you will need to create one.
  • Click the + in the signature palette to create the signature.
  • In the Create Signature dialog box you can draw a signature, import a file, copy from the clipboard, or type text content to create a signature.
  • Click OK to continue.
  1. If you have an existing handwritten signature, click Online Signature and choose the online signature file that you created.
  2. Right click on the newly added signature and click Apply Signature.
  3. Save the PDF.


Contact the UDit Service Center at (937) 229-3888 or complete a Service Request form for Foxit access issues.

Additional Resources

UDit provides general access support and user licensing information only. Foxit provides many training resources online, including the following:

Product demo video

Instructional Video Library
Videos for Windows and Mac operating systems

Register for free live or view free archived demo webinars from Foxit

Foxit Knowledge Base

Foxit User Manuals and Quick Guides

Edit PDFs
Tutorials for editing PDF documents

Tutorials for merging PDF documents and reordering pages

Collaborate and Share
Learn how to share, collaborate and annotate PDF documents

Create PDFs
Tutorials for creating PDF docs, forms and portfolios

Convert PDFs
Share PDF information with other file formats

Scan and OCR
Tutorials for scanning documents to PDF, OCR PDF and editing scanned PDFs

Protect and Sign
Learn how to encrypt, redact and sign PDFs



Article ID: 131651
Mon 4/26/21 11:33 AM
Thu 12/7/23 11:05 AM