TeamDynamix Approval Workflow - Technician FAQs


What steps do I need to take to ensure a ticket gets to its intended destination?

When viewing a ticket, look at the Current Activities area. If the ticket calls for action on your part, complete the action, and then choose Approve (or Reject) the Workflow Step.

How can I view the History of an Approval?

You can view the progress of any ticket, including all associated tasks and approvals, by clicking on the History button, located on the right-hand side of the ticket. Once this area is displayed, scroll to the bottom. Each workflow step will be listed, along with the person who completed the step, and any associated comments.

What is the difference between History and View Progress? 

The History button in a ticket will display the progress and details of the request, including approvers. View Progress will show you a ticket’s workflow steps, and where the ticket is in the process.

I don't think an approval was properly routed. What should I do?

If a ticket is improperly routed to you, please record the ticket number, email, and be sure to include the ticket number.

I don't think the right people are in this group. What should I do?

If you suspect the wrong people are associated with a group, please record the ticket number, email, and be sure to include the ticket number.

Where can I send general feedback or questions on the AMS Approval Process?

For general feedback and questions on the approval process, go to the Teamdynamix Request. Fill out the webform, and be sure to include the ticket number.

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