Search214 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request assistance with managing resources scheduled through 25Live.

Request the DUO token you purchased from the UD Bookstore be activated for use in UD’s 2-factor authentication (2FA) system.

Request a UD computing account be temporarily extended.

Students can request activating a network drop in their campus residence.

Request adaptive furniture (e.g. chairs, tables, technology).

Alumni / former student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.

Student request for updating permanent, local or billing address.

Inform UD that you have removed Adobe Font Folio from your computer.

Request an Appeal Code to track University Communications to Constituents

Request to have a new Gift Agreement/Fund created.

Request assistance with Affinaquest

Appeal a decision made by the Office of Learning Resources (OLR).

Request assistance with Runway.

Request an American Sign Language interpreter for an event

Request a new asset tag for equipment purchased with any UD funds.