About EduRoam WiFi


About EduRoam, UD's secure, worldwide Wi-Fi network


What is EduRoam?

EduRoam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.  EduRoam allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop. User credentials are not revealed to the institution at which an EduRoamer joins, but instead are only revealed to their home institution, providing an extra measure of comfort for visiting users. 

When would I use EduRoam?

Eduroam allows visitors from participating academic institutions to gain network access with minimal configuration and no need for the visited institution to grant them the access explicitly.  This benefits visiting faculty, academics traveling for conferences and collaborative work, study abroad students, visitors attending NCAA activities, and even regional academic exchange.

Setting up a device to use EduRoam at UD and participating institutions

When on campus (and before traveling to a participating institution), configure your computer, tablet or smart phone to connect to the EduRoam network by following the directions in the EduRoam Setup Wizard.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be on campus to run the EduRoam Setup Wizard.

Be aware that the configuration process may prompt you to download the secureW2 app if it's not already installed on your device.

During the final step of device configuration, you may be prompted to “accept a certificate” (and possibly several certificates); if prompted to do so, accept the certificates.

When visiting participating institutions, you will automatically connect to the wireless network identified as “eduroam”. You will not be required to login for access; your login credentials will be stored in your configured device.

Where can I use EduRoam?

You can use EduRoam at UD and any participating EduRoam institution worldwide



Article ID: 58061
Tue 7/24/18 9:39 AM
Fri 7/12/24 3:46 PM