Gaming FAQ


Common gaming device registration related questions


I registered my device and it's still not working. What should I do now?

The most common reason a device won't work after being registered is because the MAC address is incorrect. Make sure the device's Private (Random) MAC Address setting has been disabled and make sure you are registering the "Wireless" MAC Address.

The MAC address registered on the website must match the gaming device's MAC address.  If the device is still not working after you've verified the MAC address, call 937-229-3888 or email for help.

What happens if I move to another campus residence?

Once registered, your device will work from any residential location on campus for one calendar year. If you need to move to another UD residence your device will continue to function.

How long will my device stay active?

Devices remain active one calendar year from the date they were registered. At one year, an automatic six month extension occurs. If the device is used during the 6 month extension it will remain active for another calendar year.

I'm receiving a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) error on my device. What should I do to fix it?

This error usually happens if the MAC address registered on the website is incorrect. Make sure the MAC address registered on the website matches the MAC address of the gaming device. If the device is still not working after you've verified the MAC address, call 937-229-3888 or email for help.



Article ID: 58052
Tue 7/24/18 9:07 AM
Fri 7/12/24 3:51 PM

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