The Avaya Agent Desktop is used by Contact Center agents to answer phone calls for your assigned Contact Center skillset using a University computer. While some UD staff may use this while working on-campus (primarily those with shared workstations like in the IT Service Center, OLR, KU Info Center, etc.), the Avaya Agent Desktop is necessary for those who need to access Contact Center skillsets from off-campus.
The following procedures are for troubleshooting the login process for the Avaya Agent Desktop while working remotely.
- Log into your UD issued computer. Select the Computer Only Login option listed below the password field. If you see the Network Login option below the password field, the Computer Only option has already been selected.
NOTE: If you are a contact tracer, use .\ctrace as the username.
- The GlobalProtect VPN software should automatically launch once you are logged in. If it does not launch, click on the Show hidden icons list (near the clock) and then click on the globe icon or search for it in the Windows start menu. After confirming you are connected to your wifi network, click Connect.

NOTE: Do not open the Avaya Agent Desktop. If this is the first time you are launching GlobalProtect, it will ask you for a domain which is udayton and then you can continue.
- GlobalProtect will prompt you to login with your UD credentials.
- Choose a 2FA authentication method.
- Once two-factor authentication is complete, the popup window automatically disappears and GlobalProtect displays a Connected message. Click anywhere on the screen to minimize the GlobalProtect window.

- Launch the Avaya Agent Desktop software. You may encounter the following error message. If it appears, click Retry. If it does not appear, skip to step 8.

- A login window will appears. Enter your UD username and password (the same ones you use for Porches and Isidore) and the domain name ADWS. Once you have entered the information, click OK and the program will start.

- Select Login from the drop down menu.

- If a login window appears, use 123456 for the password. If the fields are completely blank, contact the UDit ServiceCenter at (937) 229-3888.

- If your department accepts chats, use Password1 for the multimedia tab password. Otherwise, skip this step.

- You are now logged into Avaya remotely. The program looks like this:

- To begin receiving calls, select the status drop down menu and click Go Ready.

- When the status indicator is green, you will begin to receive calls.

- To stop receiving calls, go to the status indicator and select Go Not Ready.

- When the status indicator is yellow, you will not receive calls.

- To log out, select Log Out from the status indicator drop down menu.

- You may receive an alert. This is normal and can be dismissed by clicking OK.

- Once you are logged out, exit the Avaya Agent Desktop. Confirm that you want to exit the program.

- If you are shutting down your computer, the VPN will automatically disconnect. If you are closing the lid of a laptop, the VPN will disconnect. Be sure to reconnect the VPN before launching the Avaya Agent Desktop.